Monday, September 5, 2011

New Beginnings

There has been quite a bit going on here. Not only have I gone through a change of sorts, I have decided to try and keep up with this blog! Yes, that is a task in of itself. We shall if it holds up.

**Side note** for some odd reason, as I type this blog, I hear the words spoken in my head with an Irish accent. Mind ya, I am not Irish, though I do fancy one day going to Ireland.

I would like to take a minute to promote the viewing of a movie.

Shrek the Third! Why, because it is what I am currently watching and I makes me laugh! Everyone should laugh now and again, so if you want a good laugh, what Shrek the Third!

I must also promote my newest favorite singer... Adele!

She has a lovely voice, and her speaking accent is sultry. Most people know her for Rolling in the Deep, which I must say - Great song! - but she has a song, Someone Like You, that I LOVE. Of course, it is a bit down, but I have always loved a sad song. 

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