Thursday, May 30, 2013

Father's Day 2013

On the bench...

I know I've not posted in a long time, but why not post for the first time in ages on a day like Father's Day. I wanted to share this, even if it's only for myself; I have been truly blessed in this life. Blessed by God with a father unlike any other - especially since he is the only one I have. The only one on earth that is.

As a child growing up, I didn't get to spend much time with my dad. He was always working and I only remember bits and pieces of him in my life. There are a few memories that stand out, one in particular is when I was very young, probably three or four. He and I were sitting on our couch in the living room where he was showing me how to tie my shoe. I remember looking at his fingers moving the strings this way and that way, and then looking up into his eyes. He smiled. His smile is the kind that reaches up into his eyes and they almost disappear. I don't remember if I tied my shoes that day, but I remember that moment some 30 + years later.

So when thinking of what song to post to celebrate fathers, I came up blank. I wanted something that shared the emotions I did that day when I looked into his eyes. You see, I didn't know that day, but I was looking at love in true form. A father's true love is unlike anything else. My children have not been blessed with a father like mine, but they have been bless with a Grandfather!! He gives them that same look.

Thank you Daddy, for always being there, for sacrificing for us and going without, for listening, for debating, for crying, for laughing, for protecting, for nurturing, for smiling, but most of all for loving not only me and my kids, but the others who have come and gone from our home as well.

It is important to remember that not all fathers are biological. A true father is one that is there for you through all the good and bad, and still loves you and wants to help you. One who loves you unconditionally like our Father in Heaven. He is always here for us. All of us.

Found this song on YouTube and thought it fit perfectly into what I wanted to say about my father. I hope you like it...

Through The Eyes of My Father - Brianna Haynes

No time to proof read.... Hope there aren't too many mistakes.  Yikes!